Since most of us were little, we’ve been taught the importance of being productive and having a strong work ethic. Being first in and last out gets you noticed and you’ll get praised, right?
In the short term, yes. But in the long run, it terms out that being a workaholic is actually bad for several reasons. Everything is about moderation and balance — and work is no exception. This blog will cover 4 reasons why being a workaholic isn’t as good as it seems and how it’s harming your career journey.
Too Many Tasks Puts Your Goals Last
One of the main problems that workaholics deal with is accepting every task that comes their way. You’ll be seen as the person who’s ready and willing to take on tasks in the office, with people automatically assuming you’ll bring new tasks onboard. With a needlessly large pile of work, you won’t be able to focus on your own work, desired experience, or skill development.
Of course, we’re not saying that you shouldn’t be accommodating and/or flexible at all. Just be ready to say no to your co-workers if you already have a lot on your plate.
All the Negatives of Sleep-Deprivation
Just like oil and water, being a workaholic and reasonable sleep aren’t things that mix. As a workaholic, you’ll often find yourself working overtime or checking emails in the wee hours of the night. Both activities result in you being sleep-deprived and more tired the following days.
Sleep deprivation has several negatives, both short-term and long-term. In terms of short-term negatives, you’ll be more cranky, stressed, forgetful, disorganized, and experience mood swings.
When it comes to chronic long-term negatives, you might experience serious problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, impaired immunity, or heart failure (Cleveland Clinic).Sleep deprivation will literally ruin your life — so get your sleep!
A Fall In Creativity
When you’re consumed by work and your career — your creativity plummets. Rather than indulging in divergent thinking, you start seeing all of your problems linearly. Without time for anything else, you don’t get to read, stay updated on the news, meet new people, or do anything fun. These activities stimulate innovative thinking, which may help you see solutions to problems that seem impossible right now.
You Will Burn Out
It’s not a question of whether you will burn out, but when you will. For anyone unfamiliar, burnout is a mental syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. And, workaholics are notorious for the stress they put themselves in.
The symptoms of burnout include chronic feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance from one’s job or feelings of negativism, and reduced job professional efficacy (WHO).
To recover from burn-out, most likely, the only choice is to take a break from work and focus on your mental health. With weeks or even months off from work, you’ll see backtracks in achieving your career goals. So, what can we learn from this? Slow and steady wins the race.
Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep (And How Much You Really Need a Night)