Having the best lighting is more beneficial than just leveling up your Instagram game. When done right, lighting can provide benefits that make an office thrive.
What type of benefits, you might be asking. Proper lighting makes all work tasks easier by reducing eye strain, fatigue, and headaches. Workplace accidents will also tumble in frequency. Without these daily issues, employees then go on to become happier too.
Interested in optimizing your office lighting to be more friendly, comfortable, and productive? You’re in the right place and we’ll be covering our 6 favorite tips!
Play With Colors to Get the Best Results
Believe it or not, colors can make people feel certain ways. Different types of lighting emit different colors.
Here are two primary ways to play with color: warmer and cooler tones. Warmer yellow or orange lights tend to be better for recharging and relaxing. Cooler white and blue lights tend to be better for staying alert, concentrating, and working. Consider playing with these two tones and using them in different sections of your office depending on your needs.
Keep Office Lights Indirect
The harsh contrast felt when working under direct lighting can promote headaches and eye strains. And, that’s not what we want. Look for ways to “soften” lighting – to make them less intense – without casting shadows. If your office currently uses lamps, lampshades can scatter and soften otherwise harsh light.
Utilize Natural Lighting When Possible
If possible, swipe those window shutters and let that beautiful sunlight flow right in! Natural lighting can improve any office work environment. That’s because natural lighting has the ability to improve mental health and general health all while reducing workplace stress (Healthline). Still, make sure workstations aren’t directly in front of windows as that can cause more harm than good.
When in Doubt, Choose LEDs
Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs are more expensive than traditional incandescent lights, but don’t knock them out just yet. Not only are they energy-efficient and better for the environment, LEDs mimic a softer natural lighting. As you know from our last tip, natural lighting has a whole range of benefits that make a real difference in the office.
Eliminate Glare and Shadows
Glares and shadows can make simple tasks much harder, and will frustrate your employees. To start, consider where your office light source(s) is coming from. Make sure that no light source is set directly behind a workstation as that will create annoying glares on monitors. You’ll also want to make sure lamps and other objects aren’t casting shadows on workstations.
Provide Task Lighting At Every Workstation
Whether employees are jotting notes, typing on the computer, or reviewing paperwork – task lighting can make the job easier. Create task lighting by placing an adjustable desk lamp on each workstation. This way, employees will always have a well-defined light source available for them whenever in need.