Choosing an optimal management style will make or break a company’s ability to function. Strong management acts as a glue that keeps all parties in check and enables strong communication at all times. Poor management? Burnout, lack of motivation, high turnover rates, and lots and lots of frowns around the office.
We understand that all businesses are different. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all management style, but there are some pretty good contenders for the spot, And, some pretty bad ones. Below are the best and worst management styles in the office.
Best: Collaborative
As they say, teamwork makes the dream work. The collaborative management style emphasizes the power of collective effort. Regardless of position or job title, everyone in the office is welcomed and encouraged to share their concerns, suggestions, and other ideas.
This management style is an optimal way for higher-ups to retain their decision-making authority without belittling or invalidating the opinions of their team members.
Worst: Micromanager
Imagine sitting at your desk, and working on something productive. Now, add somebody who’s just starting over your shoulder at everything you do. Folks, that’s a micromanager. The hallmarks of a micromanager management approach are control and scrutiny. They want to control and be filled in on every single aspect of an employee’s job. This isn’t always a bad thing, but micromanagers tend to be extreme.
The result? Chronically stressed employees that feel that they have no power to make their own decisions.
Best: Visionary
Most of the time, we’d rather not be working – it’s true. Work might feel like a necessity, but the visionary management style changes this. A visionary manager communicates a greater purpose and direction to employees. With this vision set in stone, employees will stay on track and invest more effort to make this vision come true. Team members will also feel a greater sense of comradery in the office.
Worst: Laissez-faire
The polar opposite of the micromanager style is the Laissez-faire management style. In French, Laissez-faire can be translated to “allow to do”. Managers who endorse Laissez-faire are extremely hands-off and interact minimally in employee activities. Since managers aren’t holding their employees accountable, some employees will start slacking and take the easy road. As a result, this could cause serious damage to your company both internally and externally.