If you’ve ever applied for a job, there’s a good chance that you needed to submit a resume. Your resume competes with tens or maybe hundreds of other resumes at once – meaning you should do your best to stand out.
There are some resume myths out there that just don’t make sense. There are some tips that hinder your resume. Want to level up your resume? Below, Millennium Omaha covers some of our favorite resume best practices that people don’t tell you about.
One Resume Does Not Fit All
Instead of attaching a generic resume to all your job applications, take a few minutes to make subtle – yet powerful – changes. Scan over the job application, and see how those keywords and phrases can be combined into your resume. A customized resume helps you get to the next round of hiring, especially if the company uses an applicant tracking system.
Don’t Be Afraid to Use Color
Colors have notoriously been labeled a resume sin but they can actually do a lot of good for your resume. Choosing the right amount of color on your resume can help you stand out against the crowd and makes your resume more appealing. Don’t use too much color, don’t use too little color – the optimal choice is balance.
Make sure the contrast between your text and background is high. This way, your color choices won’t interfere with your resume getting scanned.
Pro tip: If you need to submit a cover letter, it’s a good idea to match the colors between your resume and cover letter. It makes your entire application look more cohesive and thought out.
For Some, A Page Isn’t Enough
We’re always told to keep our resumes to one page. This practice is advantageous for new job seekers who don’t have much experience or training. But, that’s really it. If you have enough experience and can provide more information on your career, it’s okay to go onto page two.
Generally, seasoned professionals with more than five years of work experience should use a two-page that provides a condensed, high-level career overview. For those with less experience, a one-pager will do as long as it covers all your relevant information.
Avoid First-Person Pronouns
First-person pronouns like “I”, “me”, and “mine” should never appear on your resume. As a hiring manager, they already know that your resume describes you. First-person pronouns tend to diminish your accomplishments to your previous experiences.
Grab the attention of hiring managers by using action words right from the get-go. Instead of saying “I composed marketing strategies and outlines”, just say, “composed marketing strategies and outlines”. A simple omission makes the phrase sound much more confident.