It’s always productivity this, productivity that. Don’t get us wrong, Millennium Omaha loves productivity. But, have some productivity “life hacks” gone too far? Maybe they’re even counterproductive?
If you want to avoid productivity mistakes or find yourself in a productivity slump, this post offers valuable insight. 4 productive myths debunked for good incoming!
Myth 1: Set Big Goals
How many times have you heard the live-your-best-life saying “dream big and go home?”. Setting big goals isn’t bad per se, but it can lead to a slippery slope where you feel overwhelmed and lost.
It doesn’t matter if you want to get in shape, write a book, or start your own company. Focus on the day-to-day experience, and create habits. This way, even when you lose steam from your ambitious grand goal, you still keep going!
Myth 2: Stay Busy
Modern work culture wants you to hustle until you’ve driven yourself to the ground. The more activities you’ve packed, the more productive you’re being. But, here’s the truth: being busy doesn’t necessarily translate to being productive. Committing to as many priorities as possible means losing sight of your priorities.
Pro tip: Here’s how to avoid the “busyness” trap. Stick to 3 important and specific tasks a day, and think twice before saying “yes” to a request. Will it advance your goal? If not, it’s okay to say no.
Myth 3: Taking a Break When Feeling Stuck
This is a big one, and we find ourselves falling for this more often than we’d like to admit. When we’re stumped on a hard task, our emotions are screaming for us to take a break. Taking a break is a good thing – and even encouraged – as long as it isn’t out of procrastination.
You’ll need to complete the daunting or difficult task eventually anyways, so keep pushing!
Myth 4: Copy the Habits of Highly Success People
Mega-successful people are successful for a reason, right? While there’s no doubt individuals like Oprah and Steve Jobs work hard and are productive, there’s no reason to hold their routines on a pedestal. People are different, and productive routines for one person may be counterintuitive for another.
If you’d like to try the routines of successful people, we’re all for it. But, know that it might or might not work for you. If it doesn’t work – try something else. Do what works for you.